Saturday, February 28, 2009

The pain cannot be kept back...

Hey everyone,

I hope everyone is well and I am back again writing to you!

Is the life we see ahead of us...something that we expected? The future that we expect, is it because of our actions and thoughts of the present? It is a question that will never be answered in words but only our life will give those answers.

I am still in pain from the last few days, trying to think of why these things happen...but is it something that is meant to happen to me? As much as I run forward, I feel the pain hit me just as hard. I find myself falling quicker than before.

I believe a lot that God will make things better but sometimes I wonder when it will be all better. But then who am I to ask? I can only accept what is happening and I can keep reminding myself that.

The future is not in my hands but the future lies in what God wants at the end of the day. If I am to do anything and this is to try and forget my pain by working on my blog, my novel and trying to get an agent. This scares me as I know the pain will come back to me and even I know, the pain will only go when everything is justified.

Take care and lots of love,
Rahul N. Singh

Copyright © Chronicles of a Creative Writer. 2008-2009 Rahul N. Singh. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Bonds of the energy of life...broken!

Hi everyone,

Hope everyone is well and are having a good day. Yet again, another early post but I have a busy day ahead.

Confidence is something that is falling everyday with me. Due to the past few days, the words that have been said to me have really brought me down, in terms of my confidence. Everytime I think about that problem that has caused a wall to surround me, it depresses me even further and maybe I am not sure where I will be in the next few weeks.

I say that I don't know where I will be in the next few weeks but I know I will be here writing to you guys, going to university lectures and classes, doing my radio show hopefully, writing my novel and getting somewhere. However, on the personal front, I see dark clouds.

These dark clouds consume my mind at first, they darken whatever happiness may reside in the mind, it creates the foundation of depression. Suddenly, out of nowhere the dark clouds will absorb the feelings of joy and happiness in my heart, now the foundation of depression has built it's house, which has the most strongest security. To get out of this depression is difficult. Soon after, if nothing is done, these dark clouds will darken the very bright light that resides in the soul. The soul becomes black and hollow, the energy of life leaves the soul just like smoke from a incense stick...however it is not a beautiful wooden fragrance, there is no fragrance. It is just nothing. The dark clouds of depression have now created a huge wall around the house making it near to impossible to break the depression will be secure in my life and only tears will roll down these cheeks but for no apparent reason. They will just flow and flow and flow...all because one person broke every single bond of the energy of life within me.

Lots of love and take care...I will write again tomorrow...

Rahul N. Singh

Copyright © Chronicles of a Creative Writer. 2008 Rahul N. Singh. All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I am dead to you!

Hey everyone,

Hope you are all well and yes, I know this post is up a little early but I am sure you will appreciate that.

I do not really open up much but I can say something that I am deeply hurt after some events yesterday. After reading some words (not on the blog) and realising what they meant, caused me distress, pain, discomfort and anger. For the first time, I had wished that I had the ability to hate someone.

I can understand now that it is so easy to fall into the trap of hatred. To gather up all that energy to hate someone, it suddenly attacks you and consumes your mind that it is the right way. I had so many questions and answers to why to hate this person was right. But suddenly, I thought you know what...hatred is nothing, pity is worth much more. I pity that person for hurting me because yes, I may be able to forgive, but to look at that person in the eye again and even mention a word to that person again seems distant and an act that will not take place from my side.

The road is long, however, the ditches in the road is what can stop us. I just see those ignorant fools as a ditch in the road that try to corrupt and sabotage my road. Let me tell you one thing, I have an attitude when it comes to things like this. I hate it when people just pretend to care...yeah it for someone that will believe it! If you hurt me and I say I do not want to talk to you...let me make one thing clear. My attitude is simple...I am dead to you and you do not exist in my world. In fact to sum it up when I think about those people...I say..."F*** 'Em"! I am keeping that outlook. That way, whoever is in my world, I will love them. Those that are not in my world...I will look at you and be like 'Who the f*** are you?!'

Sorry for the swearing and I know my regular readers will not fact I think you will probably like to see another part of my personality! Yes, I have a multi-faceted personality! Thanks for reading and if it hurts anyone personally, then that must mean you know you have done something wrong to me! If in doubt, talk to me and if I do not reply back to you within 24-48 hours then you might be one of those people!

Take care and lots of love,
Rahul N. Singh

Copyright © Chronicles of a Creative Writer. 2008 Rahul N. Singh. All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Message to people who dislike me and my blog!

Hi everyone,

Hope everyone is well and keeping positive.

This post is mainly towards the fools that have a problem with me. I know that there has been a certain person who is visiting my blog and has wrote some rude comments, I cannot express myself but to speak out a message to those that either hate me, disagree with me with a negative attitude and to those that are just blatantly ignorant.

The fact is...I do not really care about who these people are, neither do I care about what they do. I do not waste my time on them very often. However, now I feel it is taking its toll since someone finds it funny to say derogatory comments about someone's mother.

In case, you do not know, I have huge respect for women and most of all, if anyone finds it funny about saying jokes or even a rant that degrade mothers...go and do it somewhere else. I do not have any negative talk like that on my blog at all and it is not allowed. Comments will be deleted and I just hope to God that you learn from your ignorance.

This blog talks about being positive and I have remained fairly positive, I do not say I hate that person who wrote such comments. All I know is that I feel sorry for that person's family, friends and colleagues that the person they think they know, is nothing but a fool posting disgusting words of hatred on someone's blog.

The fact is, you don't have the guts to say it to myself. You probably hate what I believe in, you may hate my open-minded nature, you may hate my positivity, you may hate the fact I can love others. It would not surprise me if you hate the fact I respect Shah Rukh Khan.

I have no time for people like this and this is my message. If you want to read my views then visit. If you want to hate me...then hate me, but leave this blog out of it and e-mail me personally. Here is my e-mail address:

I will be very happy to talk to you and see what problems you have with me or my blog. If it is just because I am better than you, then grow up. No one is better than me and no one is less than me. Everyone is a single identity, with one personality. It is up to you how you live your life and how you mould your personality. All I know, is that you shouldn't hurt anyone and cause stress in people's lives.

Sorry to my regular readers about this...but sometimes there is a need express how annoyed I am towards those idiots.

Anyway, my love to you all and God bless!

Lots of love,
Rahul N. Singh

Copyright © Chronicles of a Creative Writer. 2008 Rahul N. Singh. All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Why question to love?

Hi everyone,

Hope everyone is well and had a good day today! Wishing you all the very best!

Have you ever wondered how you can do the total opposites, despite thinking that you cannot? Am I making sense? Let me explain further, I am really scared of heights. Terribly scared. Yet, I can travel on an aeroplane and look down onto the Earth and not be scared at all? Maybe the situation is different...but the matter at hand is height.

What I am trying to say that although our mind can be fixated at thinking it has adapted to one way or it can only do one thing...why limit the mind? The mind can do anything and that with ease. It is our negativity that makes us think twice. It is our ego that thinks twice.

Someone once questioned cannot love everyone? I thought to myself, firstly the person in front of me will never accept the fact I can love everyone, it does not matter what fact I give to that person. I simply replied 'I do not have much of an ego to hate someone else because they are better than me.' In that one line, it explains a lot. Fights and arguments sometimes happen because we feel threatened by someone else. Jealousy is another factor that makes us hate someone else. If we are comfortable with ourselves, then we can love others for who they are...good or bad. I see so many people love animals and materialistic items... but where has the love gone for fellow human beings? We question a thousand times whether we love or if we should love someone? Forget the questions and just love everyone for who they are!

This is a short post but if looked closely, the words have a much deeper meaning. Take care all and I will write to you all tomorrow.

Lots of love,
Rahul N. Singh

Copyright © Chronicles of a Creative Writer. 2008 Rahul N. Singh. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, February 23, 2009

I'm annoyed today!

Hi everyone,

I hope all is well with you all. I hope everyone has had a good day too. I would like to wish my Baba Ji...a very Happy Birthday!

I feel really annoyed today and to be honest, what reasons can I give? It is just one of those days where I think about things and just wonder how can those people that hurt me, smile so much and laugh so much. It is not the problem that they are smiling or laughing...the problem is that they took my smiles and my laughter away.

I don't know what I should be doing for some people. Should I pretend that everything is well and that our friendship is in top form or should I be honest? I want to run away but running away doesn't get me far and doesn't mean the situation will be further away from me.

I can understand that sometimes, people make choices and this can affect any relationship they have but I still believe that every choice that is made, should consider those that are around you. I don't know where to voice my disappointment because when I do, it seems to fall onto deaf ears!

Should I remain calm and laid back and allow the situation to spiral me into a depressive state or should I run away into a unknown dark place and live alone? Or should I face up to the situation and demand only the best to come out of it and nothing less? What if I fail in my demands...where do I take this body, this mind and this soul? Where else can it keep wondering?!

Take care and lots of love,
Rahul N. Singh

Copyright © Chronicles of a Creative Writer. 2008 Rahul N. Singh. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Animal Instinct

Hey everyone,

I hope all is fine. I have had a quiet day today, just doing some coursework and I thought let me spare 5-10 minutes and write to you all.

I was walking to my local Tesco to get some milk and I noticed a man walking his dog. Now, those that know me are aware that I am scared of dogs. However, thankfully it was only a little tiny dog...I remember at one time I even used to be scared of them!

I am happily walking and I see this little dog literally dragging his owner. The owner was a white man, possibly in his mid-40s and was at least 5 foot 10 inches tall. Now, for me that is tall...since I am only of average height. What I found amazing was that the dog was literally leading the man and dragging him along and the owner had to literally accept this happening.

I found this ironic, a little dog literally was owning it's owner. The dog, let us use this as a metaphor. We all know that humans are a lot more intelligent...however I do not think we are. We can just be like animals because of our 'evil' side, where we love to attack others for whatever reason. Now, we can't be lead by these instincts...we need to move away from that. This world has it's fair share of animals and to be honest, one day humans may become animals themselves.

Hope you liked this post, it is kind of weird I guess. Take care and I will write to you tomorrow.

Lots of love,
Rahul N. Singh

Copyright © Chronicles of a Creative Writer. 2008 Rahul N. Singh. All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Should I hide my eyes that are hurt?

Hi everyone,

I hope all is fine with you and I must apologise for the late post once again. I had gone to watch Billu Barber again and all I can say that SRK is still bringing in the people. Loved it the second time too!

Today, I must say was kind of tough for me on the personal front. I was asked a few questions and I answered them honestly but it hurts me more that I told the truth than tell a lie.

I was sitting on the train coming back from the cinema, I thought about how I would not act in front of people. I was and always will be 'me' in front of everyone's eyes. However, I will never be living a lie in front of anyone. Maybe, I do not want people to ever misunderstand me, although I must admit for some people, they wait for the right moment to misunderstand me.

I wonder at times, whether because of other people's choices or other people's demands whether I should hide my pain and my suffering? Should I hide my eyes that are hurt? I do not know what is right or what is wrong...all I know is that for other people, if it makes their lives easier...we accept what they want (unless it is the right thing and it depends on what they want) and then give them the outcome of it. The outcome is your can do whatever you want or whatever is needed!

Take care everyone and I will catch you here again tomorrow.

Lots of love,
Rahul N. Singh

Copyright © Chronicles of a Creative Writer. 2008 Rahul N. Singh. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, February 20, 2009

London is well-mannered?

Hey everyone,

Hope everyone is well and are having or had a good day. I know, I have wrote a movie review and still doing a personal blog post. I miss you all today so I have to write to you.

Times are changing but London does not change. The city that does not sleep has started to understand me. Well, I might have started to understand the city. After three years living in this city, do I want to leave or do I want to stay?

This is the one city that can make my dreams in terms of, the acting school and a lot of literary agencies are here. Maybe, I have to live here but my dream is to go back to Birmingham.

The only problem with London is the arrogance of people. Today, I was trying to walk off the train and some guy with a briefcase, you would suppose he is an intelligent guy...well he was not. He was dumb and lacked common sense. He didn't move out the way and I had to force my way through him and his stupid briefcase. Things like this make me want to move away from London. I now honestly believe...true education must also include manners! Most of London needs to have lessons in that!

I hope you guys see the humour in what I wrote. I will write again to you tomorrow. Take care.

Lots of love,
Rahul N. Singh

Copyright © Chronicles of a Creative Writer. 2008 Rahul N. Singh. All Rights Reserved.

Movie Review: Delhi-6

Hi everyone,

Delhi-6 is the film that is directed by the person that gave us Rang De Basanti. We all remember how great that film was. However, does Mehra live upto the standards and the expectations with Delhi 6? With a star cast of Abhishek Bachchan, Sonam Kapoor and Waheeda Rahman, do they do complete justice to the expectations?

Delhi 6 is the story of Roshan (Abhishek Bachchan) who travels back to Delhi-6 with his cancer-suffering paternal Grandmother (Waheeda Rahman) from America. They come back and the film is packed with multiple stories and to be honest, there is no coherence in the story. The story is all muddled up and basically revolves around a 'Kaala Bandar' which is a metephor for our evil sides. There is also a love story between Roshan and the beautiful Bittu (Sonam Kapoor). In Delhi-6 you see a fight between the Hindus and Muslims, who normally sit together and respect each other until some tantric swami comes in the picture.

Visually, the film is fine. There is nothing special but it looks all digitally enhanced. However, songs weave in and out of the narrative, holding no special meaning. To be honest, this is a film where I cannot comment as it doesn't meet expectations in that sense. Everything that is captured on the camera doesn't hold the scene together at times.

The songs are fine and are the best thing about the film. All the songs are interesting and are enjoyable. Only if the film could have done justice to the expectations that the music gave. Masakalli is my favourite. But also, Arziyan and the Aarti. Both of them are amazing. Rehna Tu is an excellent track but I feel at times, the choreography could have been better and it looked misplaced with the film. Abhishek did not do justice to the song Kaala Bandar either.

Mehra, does an average job with Delhi-6. The screenplay is not fool-proof and to be honest, the main thing that fails with the story is the actual love story. It does not strike a chord. Throughout the film, I wonder where the ailing grandmother has gone. Mehra, handles the climax weakly. It is near enough the same climax as Rang De Basanti...violence. It just didn't do justice. Plus, at the end I wonder what happens to Roshan and Bittu and if the ailing grandmother does die in her Delhi-6.

For the performances...there are too many characters in the story. I will only mention the main three. However, although this person is not a main character, Rishi Kapoor shines in this film and makes it interesting. All his scenes are held together due to his excellent acting.
Abhishek Bachchan - An average job but his American twang gets really annoying and he cannot pull off being an NRI. They way he emotes is fine in a few scenes especially when he is with Rishi Kapoor and Waheeda Rahman. It is strictly an aevrage performance.
Sonam Kapoor - Alongside Rishi Kapoor, this beautiful young lady kept my interest in the film. There is something about this girl. She is your girl next door. She acts well and I am glad that Mehra does unleah some of the potential in Sonam. It will be great to see what this beautiful girl will do next. A thumbs up from me.
Waheeda Rahman - Excellent as always. She holds the film together in some parts and makes it a lot interesting. However, I would like to ask her to next time, make sure that her character is well developed. She plays the ailing Grandmother perfectly but is terribly ignored in the screenplay.

Overall, it is a below average film. Nothing great and nothing new. The story is all over a place and my movie review is more based on the story. If the story interests me then my review will be good. I have to be satisfied with the story. Mehra does not meet the expectations, the film may have had a good message behind it but the story takes too long to get to that message. Thanks to a good few performances, that this film is interesting in parts. This film may either flop or do average business.

Rating: 2.5/5 - Excellent music, some top performances and a nice message behind a messy story.

Thanks for reading and lots of love,
Rahul N. Singh

Copyright © Chronicles of a Creative Writer. 2008 Rahul N. Singh. All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Maybe Radio it is!

Hey everyone,

I am very sorry for the very late post...but I am the bearer of some good news. However, my manners always comes first...I hope all of you are well and thank you for your continuous support on the blog!

I had another meeting today regarding the radio show. I am actually going to be launching the university radio station next Thursday, which should be really good. I am going to be helping around and making sure everyone has their drinks but most of all, it is going to be a little self-promoting!

I was discussing today the idea of maybe hosting a Bollywood show and you know just add a little bit of humour. However, I would like to know what you guys think I should do. I am open for suggestion. I plan to be playing Hindi music of course, maybe RNS's Top Ten of the week? Or do you reckon it is best to play whatever track I want to?

I guess my lateness to write on the blog is excusable but let me assure you my first love is always going to be this blog. This blog is what made me the writer that I am today, the support and love I have received and continue to receive is really a lovely experience. I do not want to let go off this experience. If I am anything today, it is because you lovely readers, continue to come and visit my blog, despite your busy schedules. God bless you all with everlasting happiness, success and strength to achieve your dreams!

I am quite excited for the radio show, any names for my show? I was thinking of calling it 'The RNS Show'. However, I am planning to pull a friend of mine into it and then use my radio show as a talk show and then put some music into it. I got a lot to plan but this new venture will be exciting. Also, next September, I hope to attend an acting evening school for now, as it is cheaper and I am doing something before I plan to join an institute!

I love you all and I hope all is well!

Lots of love,
Rahul N. Singh

Copyright © Chronicles of a Creative Writer. 2008 Rahul N. Singh. All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Blog...maybe radio?

Hey everyone,

How are you all? Hope all is well and it is not long till it is March and the beautiful spring mornings will wake me up!

What can I say today...well last night, I was approached to join my university's radio and do a show there. Well, everyone who knows me that I am a shy person, so basically I am looking for someone to join me and host the show with me. It depends if I decide to do something like this, it will only be to promote my blog obviously.

So it got me thinking, what would I do on this show? I just thought it should be a talk show, where people just listen to me and my strange know possibly listening to what I think of the week's news events. If you got any ideas of what you would like to hear me say...please do tell me. Also, I would put the latest Bollywood songs too!

I will keep you posted on this radio might happen, it might not happen. So nothing is decided yet but if it is, I will tell you and inform you...I promise!

I will be off now and I will write again tomorrow...and here is a random quote I just made up: 'If love is meant for everyone, go and grab your right to love.' It is a little quote I made while writing my first novel!

Lots of love,
Rahul N. Singh

Copyright © Chronicles of a Creative Writer. 2008 Rahul N. Singh. All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Lost my phone!

Hey everyone,

How are you all today? I hope everyone is well in whichever part of the world they are in. I am fine but am I really? going to find out anyway!

Today, I start off brilliantly. My alarm on my mobile phone wakes me up, I go to uni, attend a lecture and seminar. Still possessing my beautiful phone. I sit with a friend in the sports area of the uni...I still don't know what the name of the area is called but oh well! I still possess my phone...I go into one lecture and suddenly I lose my phone and it is no where to be seen or heard again.

Now...I am absolutely fine. I did worry at first but then I think everything does happen for a reason. An hour later after losing the phone, I was calm again but that is thanks to my friend, who made sure that I didn't worry, her positivity made me positive. Thank you! Even more, another friend, chinese friend mind you, she gave me her phone to lend for a few days while my new one comes along. I just find that to be a beautiful gesture. Now, I am sure you can see why I love women so much. As much as women brag to me about how bad they are, I still love them! My weakness but at least I am not a male chauvinist pig!

Oh well, I lose a phone but I am still alive. I am still breathing. God could have done worse to me and took my breaths away altogether but this time, God is being nice and has only took my phone away from me. I won't be in contact with many people and I won't have their numbers but oh is not my loss but theirs. In a way, I am glad because it renews who is meant to be a contact of mine and who isn't. I can't wait for someone to text me and I reply saying the classic 'Who's this?' only to find out that it is one of my close friends or family...time for beatings I suppose!!!

Anyway, take care guys and I have learned today that let us be positive even if we lose items like our phone.

Lots of love,
Rahul N. Singh

Copyright © Chronicles of a Creative Writer. 2008 Rahul N. Singh. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Deep in my heart...depression resides.

Hey Everyone,

What a day today it was for me! I hope everyone is fine. My day went quite well, I said bye to my parents who are off to lucky are they?! While I sit here in London...which I now find to be boring and demanding me to put life into it!

I sat on the train coming back into London from Heathrow Airport...the one with 5 terminals! God knows why it needs five but hey London is trying to go 'green' so the lovely Government obviously knows what it is doing!

On the train, I always start thinking about fact when I am alone, I think a lot about myself. I go inside each vein and vessel in my body to understand what is me...who am i? What is my purpose? I never get a definite answer but I know the way or what I have to do? Did I just contradict myself? I have the answer and that is to realise who I am. Am I Rahul Singh? Or am I someone beyond that? Or am I something beyond that?

Now the title of my thread is very deep itself. The more I look into my heart...the more I see that there is depression. Why is there depression? Why does it reside in my heart? Should I transfer my emotions from my heart to my soul? My heart feels pain, when it sees pain, my heart squeezes. The other day, I looked into someone's eyes and I saw pain and my heart squeezed with pain. My eyes started filling up with tears, even now as I recall that memory...those eyes, the pain comes shooting back. How I just wanted that pain in that person's eyes to go away. I hope that one day, I have the impact to do that...InshAllah!

I hope you like this post...I guess I will write back to you tomorrow...until then...take care and have a great day/evening!

Lots of love,
Rahul N. Singh

Copyright © Chronicles of a Creative Writer. 2008 Rahul N. Singh. All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

My Experience at the Zee Carnival 2009

Hi readers,

Yesterday, I had attended the Zee Carnival which as everyone is aware of, one of my idols Shah Rukh Khan was attending and also the beautiful Anushka Sharma.

I had come back from watching Billu Barber on Thursday night and decided with my friend to do an all-nighter. We didn't want to risk waking up late and not being able to meet Shah Rukh Khan. We started the all-nighter at 1am and it slowly crept to 4am, when I said I am going to have a shower, get ready, straighten my hair and then we will leave. It got to 5:30 am and I was ready and me and my friend decided to leave.

We waited ten minutes for the bus, in the chilling cold winds of London to go to Balham, where we would eat breakfast and have a coffee. We got to Balham at around 6:30am. We had breakfast and sat for a few minutes discussing about how nice it was that Shah Rukh was coming to the Zee Carnival despite his shoulder injury. By that time it was around 7am. So we decided to leave and catch the train from Balham to Kensington Olympia.

If it was not the weather that was kind to me, even the trains were being nasty to me. There were no trains going to Kensington Olympia at 7am and so we decided to go to Clapham Junction station, where hopefully there will be a train to take us there. We got on the train to Clapham Junction, which was bombarded with people in suits and getting ready to work. In fact, I felt special amongst these 'richer' people that I was going to have memories that were priceless and which dreams were being fulfilled.

We got to Clapham Junction at 7:10 am. How great...the next train to Kensington Olympia was not till 7:45. I was thinking to myself that may be me and my friend were rushing it a little. I kept saying that no one will be there and hopefully we will be there first. We were happy that we would probably be the first one's there to meet Shah Rukh Khan.

We killed our 35 minutes by discussing this and my friend reminded me that last year, SRKs European friends would be there before us and maybe again they would be there before us. I told my friend that it was possible and that were at least 50 of them watching Billu Barber only 9 hours ago and they were all staying in Earl's Court, which was only 5 minutes away from the venue. Plus, the other matter is that nothing surprises me when it comes to the positives of Shah Rukh Khan anymore!

So we hopped onto the train and got to Kensington Olympia. We got there around 8:15 am. The excitement of seeing Shah Rukh Khan was going through my mind. The fact that I got there a little earlier than expected to. Well, let me explain the show was going to start at 12pm and I thought 10am would be a great start and now that I was two hours early, it was beyond my happiness. In fact, I was confident that; fine I would have to wait for 4 hours but at least me and my friend would be the first people there.

Call this as a joke on God's part, in fact I always feel that God loves playing jokes on me. When I got there, I saw at the very least 30 people there. I looked at my friend and she told me that I should have got there at 6 like she had said and now we would stand no chance.

So basically, we waited for four hours, the wait was long and was really disturbing. Most people were not being considerate with each other, some ladies were flirting with the security guards (it did make me laugh) and most of all, some people had recognised me from either this blog or the writing that I do on other forums. I also met a Punjabi family that came form Derby to see SRK and it was so great to see how star-struck they were but also how respectful and considerate they were towards me and my friend. It was great as I got to talk to them and understand why they wanted to meet Shah Rukh Khan. Before the doors opened, I was positive that there were at least 200 people waiting to go in...there could have been average height does not help to see far ahead in a crowd of people.

Cutting the long story short, we got inside and I ran to the autograph stage and for the first time, I think I ran the fastest I ever did, just remember I was competing with like 50 people to meet SRK and I knew that no matter what I had to meet him. So, I managed to get there in the first 20 people and was ready to meet my idol. We waited for another few hours...2:30pm was the scheduled time for SRK to arrive. In the meantime, we saw Anushka Sharma, didn't meet her personally because if I did then I would have lost my chance to meet SRK! I saw her from far and I was amazed by her beauty. In fact, I was exactly shocked with the way she was, her innocent look and pleasing personality made me a fan of hers already! I love her!

It got to the time SRK was going to arrive on the autograph stage and despite there being a delay (not SRKs fault) he came with a black suit on with black trousers. He wore his dark sunglasses and all I can say is he looked great. I could see teenage girls, mothers and middle-aged women to grandmothers going crazy for Shah Rukh! They were screaming and shouting 'Shah Rukh, you are sexy!' It was funny seeing that, as usual because SRK does get shy at such things. Not only women, but there were an equal amount of men, who could not hold their excitement at seeing a star with a normal attitude. A star who seemed human. This made some teenage boys and middle-aged men go to meet SRK!

We get to the main part and it I got to meet SRK, one on one conversation with the one and only King of Hindi Cinema. I walked on the stage and he smiled at me. I was actually quite shocked at that because I didn't expect a smile off him so soon. He shook my hand and he said let's take a picture. We took a picture, unfortunately I am not able to download it but once it is, I will post it on here. Back to SRK, he signed my Rab Ne CD, I gave him an envelope with a letter and he asked me what it was? I simply replied 'A gift' and I think he understood from there. I said that to him that I hope to be a big writer one day and if he could bless me, SRK simply replied 'InshAllah' and that in fact, it meant the world to me. It was highly emotional for me and I am sure you can understand what it means to me. He did something else for me but it was not exactly for me. I had to do something for someone else and I am glad that I got his wishes behind it too. This only made what would seem to some people an ordinary experience but for me it was and always will be an extraordinary meeting. I thanked him and he wished me a good life with his trademark smile!

I got off the stage and I was rather emotional from inside. I didn't show it on my face much but inside my heart I felt I had done something special and something that meant a lot to me. Maybe because today, I didn't meet him with just only 'me' in my mind but I met SRK with the fact that I wanted him to wish well for someone, which he did. Only I can and that other person can understand what that means. Maybe, this gesture I did for this other person would not be appreciated enough from their side. However, I appreciate SRK for being so considerate with not only his manners but with his time and caring nature. For that, this assures me that being inspired by SRK is not a wrong thing! Shah Rukh Khan, you rock!

Then we decided to to the live stage where Shah Rukh was going to perform with a huge audience. Literally, when he came, all of the people at the Zee Carnival had left their stalls to go and see him and see what he had to say. Once he was on the live stage, there were screaming, shouting and eyes of admiration looking at SRK. He spoke about his shoulder injury and about Billu. What surprised me even more is that despite his injury, he danced a few steps to 'Love Mera Hit Hit' and this really meant a lot to me. Why? The fact is, that he did this despite having an injury and did it with a smile. This guy has to be very genuine because he was signing autographs and posing for photographs for around 45 minutes and then performing on stage, it is not easy. He never mind his injury felt to other people and this is why I find him to be a special gem for Hindi Cinema. For those that think he is not genuine and probably puts on a act, yesterday proved that he is not an act, he is genuinely an honest and happy person. He loves seeing other people smile!

I went around and signed up for Whistling Wood School for Screenwriting and Acting...what do you guys think? Should I go for it?

Then we got to meet the beautiful and stunning Anushka Sharma. When I met her, she was sweet and bubbly and even had a conversation with me. We posed for a photograph and even though I am smaller than her in height (but honestly, she was wearing heels), I didn't feel uncomfortable. We spoke about how I found her amazing in Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi and she thanked me. I told her that she was my favourite debut actress of all time and again, she smiled innocently and replied a thank you. I must say, she is now one of my favourite actresses and I absolutely love her!

Me and my friend decided that we would see how it's like to be behind the barriers and to watch SRK directly converse with his fans. We did just that, we watched how SRK smiled and conversed happily with each and every person. It was such a beautiful atmosphere. Then Lara Dutta and Irrfan Khan, once again joined SRK on stage and signed a few autographs. They decided to come around and meet all the people around the barriers. Lara was stunning and beautiful and I told her I loved her in Billu Barber and she said thank you. Irrfan is a sweet guy, you can tell he has a good heart. I told him that I enjoyed watching him in Billu and that I am a fan of his work. he shook my hand and said 'Thank you' and continued on to meet everyone else. SRK came around and I believe he noticed me and smiled and put his hand forward and I shook his hand. It was an amazing experience.

To conclude the day, although it was tiring and I came back with a bad back pain due to the cold and chilly weather, I came out with warm and honest memories that I would remember for the rest of my life. The warmth that each star gave was enough to show that they are normal people with normal emotions.

Most of all, since I had gone to meet SRK, I came out thanking him for being so considerate to me and everyone else. He is a true King to the Film Industry and I pray to Allah, that SRK sees more and more success in life. I pray to Allah that may SRK have everlasting happiness and that he can continue to change people's lives with his excellent and honest life! He is not just an Indian, he is a citizen of the world and this is proved with the Zee Carnival. Shah Rukh, thank you, thank you and thank you very much for being there for us in London and I know it caused a lot of pain due to your shoulder but thanks for not showing us that pain. I have heard that true and honest people, who love others; whenever they meet other people and they smile, that they forget their pain. You smiled with everyone and that proves to me that you forgot about your pain and your truthfully and honestly smiled at each one of us that met you yesterday! Thanks Shah Rukh!

Thank you for reading all of this and I really do appreciate it. I know it is long but I am sure you will read this and it will leave you a smile on your face.

Lots of love,
Rahul N. Singh

Copyright © Chronicles of a Creative Writer. 2008 Rahul N. Singh. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Movie Review: Billu starring Irrfan Khan, Lara Dutta, Shah Rukh Khan.

Hi Readers,

When the name Shah Rukh Khan appears to be the producer of a expects quality entertainment. When one hears the name Priyadarshan, one expects a film with excellent comedy. When Irrfan Khan is mentioned...we expect a quality acting performance. When we hear the name Lara Dutta...we expect a performance with the bonus of beauty. When you know that three beautiful ladies are appearing in item numbers, one expects great escapism. Does the film meet the expectations?

The story of Billu is simple. A story of a simple man Billu (Irrfan Khan) who resides in a village. He is married to a beautiful wife Bindiya (Lara Dutta). They live a hard life but they keep themselves happy. One day, a movie superstar Sahir Khan (Shah Rukh Khan) comes to shoot for a movie in their village. News spreads around the village Billu is Sahir's childhood friend. Billu does not want to visit Sahir for many reasons but they are good at heart. As the people in Billu's village use him to get close to Sahir, does Billu take advantage of the news that he is friends with the superstar?

Visually, the film is excellent. Manikandan is excellent with the sets. The fact that he captures the village with excellent beauty. He also makes sure all the songs are visualised amazingly. He does not disappoint. Writers Mushtaq Sheikh and Priyadarshan do not disappoint with the screenplay. The story never loses focus as everything falls into the narrative superbly. Even the songs go with the narrative.

The songs are all done excellently. The choreography for each song are done brilliantly, not one of the songs disappoint. My personal favourite is Marjaani, there is something about Shah Rukh at the end of the song. Love Mere Hit Hit, Deepika is beautiful and she does dance well but it is Shah Rukh that makes the song go that extra mile. Rocking and Reeling is brilliant and Priyanka is stunning. Aa Ae O is done amazingly. The songs all stand out and that is another special thing about the film.

The director, Priyadarshan has created one of his most amazing directorial movies. This is far by one of his best films of recent times. The way he brings out the excellent screenplay, the way he brings out brilliant performances in each of his actors. After Virasat, this is the film that makes us realise how great Priyadarshan is. Also, he makes sure all the songs go with the narrative and the glamour is sure seen. He also is brilliant with the comic scenes and the humour is subtle and funny. Priyadarshan executes the climax with the audience feeling great and total paisa vasool.

For the performances:
Irrfan Khan - This actor has never given a performance that leaves you disappointed. He makes sure that the audience empathises with Billu in so many scenes. Irrfan is in total ease with his character. He makes Billu funny but not in a derogatory way. Irrfan proves why he is a quality actor and one only needs to watch the climax to see the beauty of the actor's performance.
Lara Dutta - She is totally de-glamourised and she makes sure that she is not just a pretty face. Despite looking simple, she looks beautiful and her acting is amazing. She makes sure that Bindiya understands her husband as well as her own children. Lara shows how star-struck normal housewives may be. An excellent performance.
Shah Rukh Khan - He proves that not only has he produced one of the best comedy movies this decade but proves why he is the best at bringing out emotions. He plays the superstar brilliantly and spoofs himself a little too. Just watch the climax scene and you will realise why Shah Rukh is the best star-actor in the industry. He compliments the story brilliantly.
Om Puri, Rajpal Yadav and Asrani create giggles and make sure you laugh out loud.

Overall, the film is brilliant. From performances to the tight screenplay to the brilliant visuals to the excellent item numbers...nothing leaves you feeling empty. The dialogues are brilliantly written and has each scene goes by, the audience is able to interact with the story. If you are looking for a film that has a complete package in quality entertainment, then you will not be disappointed here. Go and get yourself to the local cinema and watch this film that creates laughter as well as tears. This film should do well at the box office...super-hit is expected.

Rating: 4/5 - Paisa vasool in quality and entertainment.

Lots of love,
Rahul N. Singh

Copyright © Chronicles of a Creative Writer. 2008 Rahul N. Singh. All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Billu to Zee Carnival

Hey Readers,

I know it is early for me to post but hey, I have a busy night in front of me. Hope all of you are well!

I have bought some new software for my apple mac and I am considering on branching out of this blog website and creating my own. However, I have not yet decided and the move towards a new website will hopefully take place. If it does take place then it will be by April 4th, which will mark the 1st anniversary of me writing on a blog or website.

The thoughts tonight is very clear, I am going to watch Billu. I have to write a movie review and I am also meeting Shah Rukh Khan tomorrow and I really cannot wait. To meet my idol once again, I hope that I get what I want out of it.

The dreams that we have in our lives are our mirror for the future. If we look in the mirror right now are we seeing our lives with the sense of satisfaction. The satisfaction that it feels complete because you are trying everyday to make sure your dreams continue to be your mirror for the future? If not, then do so quickly, don't lose out on precious time!

A few random thoughts and I hope that everyone is well and one thing is for sure, a dream is only possible to become reality, if we live for today and not tomorrow!

Lots of love,
Rahul N. Singh

Copyright © Chronicles of a Creative Writer. 2008 Rahul N. Singh. All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It was just a drill...

Hey everyone,

Hope everyone is well and is looking after themselves! I wish everyone the best of health as I know in England, it is raining and is cold!

I woke up today with the sounds of the fire alarm. I looked at my mobile phone...07:30! is early morning and I have to wake up to a deafening sound of an alarm. I rushed out of my bed, for some odd reason I got into my jeans and put on a different t-shirt and quickly got my jacket on. I walked out of the door and realised that the alarm was just practice fire drill. I guess, I have to follow health and safety regulations at my halls of residence!

I feel that there is a time when I think of feuds. Even though, I do not hate anyone, there are people that I do not get along with. Either I find them fake or my humour and their humour does not match. I do not hold it against them either, I do not have the time or effort to hate it. However, if someone does hate another person, then both parties must be wrong...right? Let me just say, if a friend of yours hates another person, who you are friends with...but yet tell you that it is that other person that is wrong. Come on, no one is that perfect that they do not contribute to it. When someone else isn't wrong, they never say they are right in a situation between feuds either. They are just content. I hope I make sense.

The element of knowing what is genuine or not...well what is genuine? What I write on my blog, do you find it genuine? I don't know. All I know is that I try to be genuine and give it my all to please everyone and make them think...or give them a smile. I want people to smile when they come on here, even if the subject matter is serious. I would like someone to read it and say...'This guy knows what he is talking about!' I do not know if I do that now but even if I do, I want to continue with that passion. I just feel like saying to my readers today, that you are like my family, my little family. I love you all!

Anyway, I will catch you will be an early not to worry! Then late on Thursday night, there will be the exclusive movie review for 'Billu' which is a Shah Rukh Khan production. If people are not already aware but it was previously called 'Billu Barber' but was changed due to some problems that evoked with the term 'barber'...weird but that is life!

Lots of Love,
Rahul N. Singh

Copyright © Chronicles of a Creative Writer. 2008 Rahul N. Singh. All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What have you got to lose?

Hi Readers,

Again, I am back to you. Their is always a strange feeling now that whenever I do visit my blog...I do think of you. There is some sort of energy that pulls me to write something. As far as I am concerned the blog is not meant to teach you anything or show you some great writing talent. It is for me to give some sort of diary of what I feel...or what I have observed.

Circumstances...we always use circumstances as an excuse to get away from reality. What is reality? Reality is what we are living right now in the present. I know that nothing can affect me when I am writing. No personal feelings can come in between what I write on here. I can go through a death, birthday and any other event in life and still remain myself. Why should I lose myself to circumstances? I have to be myself in every circumstance and yes, my emotions need to be shown to, they need to come out too.

Don't allow any circumstance to deter you from what you want. If you want something, then do go for it! What have you got to lose? Who knows if you will get to live another day, forget a day...another second?! Life is just as unpredictable as the famous British weather. When I wake up every morning, I thank God for another day that I can make yet another attempt on achieving my dreams. Maybe to achieve my dreams, it may look as if I am being selfish and inconsiderate, but my honesty remains. I do not do anything where it cheats another person. I always look at how it may benefit someone. I only care about the benefits of others. If I didn't, I wouldn't be writing on here for you!

I hope you once again enjoyed this post. I will write again to you tomorrow. Take care all and enjoy each moment of your day and night!

Lots of love,
Rahul N. Singh

Copyright © Chronicles of a Creative Writer. 2008 Rahul N. Singh. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Today is everything...tomorrow is nothing!

Hey everyone,

I hope all is well with everyone. I am sorry that I have not been able to write during the weekend. I have been busy and trying to overcome the sadness of a sudden departure. Death is something, we all cannot run away from and this weekend has taught me a lot.

I was on the train coming back from Birmingham, which is a good 100 miles away from London. For the first time, since my birthday I had cried. I only cry when I am alone. I never cry around people because I believe I have to be the shoulder of support and I feel humbled that I can do that.

I thought about my Uncle that had passed onto the heavens and it struck me, how life is so short. We run away from people, from the world but what do we achieve? My Uncle lived his live to the max, he lived a complete life. The fact is, why his life was complete was due to his openness and his complete self. He showed everyone what it truly meant to be a true human being. I know how unrealistic it sounds but it was truly realistic. The man that I used to see every Sunday when I was from 11 years to 16 years, was the realistic human being. He loved everyone and he showed it.

I had learned one thing from this whole weekend that today is everything. Make sure you enjoy every second of the day and try and make the most of any situation. Personally, we can all gain and lead a life that can please everyone. Whether it is my words on here, or the words I say to people in person, I just want my love to remain true. I want my eyes to continue to speak of love. I know that I have to be there for the people I am emotionally attached to everyday...they know who they are. I will not give up on them and that is my special link with them. They could do the worst to me but I will not show them the worst of me but only the best of me. Life is too short for the worst things, life is only worth the best things. Trust me, today is everything and tomorrow is nothing!

I hope you enjoyed the post and please do keep reading. I think this post is fairly long, so I do apologise for that. Thank you for reading!

Lots of Love,
Rahul N. Singh

Copyright © Chronicles of a Creative Writer. 2008 Rahul N. Singh. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Which direction?

Hi everyone,

I am a little early today in writing this post as I have a busy weekend in front of me. I hope everyone is well and are keeping themselves happy. Just to inform you all too, I will not be posting anything tomorrow as I will not have any Internet access. However, I will write again on Sunday.

6th February is a special day for me...for a few reasons. Maybe later on, I will tell you why it is. It is a day of my own personality reflection to see who I am and what I am doing. Am I right or wrong? Why haven't I done this or that? So it is a day of reflection more than anything else.

I realised how I dislike being ignored. I do not know why. But if someone ignores me, deliberately or by accident, it always hurts me. I feel that it is never right to ignore someone but then again, sometimes people have something against you.

I always wonder if I have done something wrong, I don't think I do but people seem to pick on little faults that I have apparently made. Should that keep me down? I don't think it should. If people accept me for who I am, then I guess it makes this world an easier place to live it. I am fortunate to accept people for who they are, good or bad, whether I like them or dislike them. When you dislike someone, it can be very hard to unconditionally love that person or those people.

Within love, I can see a load of dimensions and that is what I find great about love. At one time, I did find that even hatred is a type of love. But it is a negative type of love. As I mentioned before, people always have time to hate. Well, that must mean they love to hate. They don't love to love. I hope you understand what I am trying to say.

This post seems to be everywhere at the moment, I do not know where it is heading, I guess that is my emotional state right now. Stable but not sure of which direction to take. As usual, it will be a quick decision...I always take haste decisions...sometimes I need to calm down and think over and over again.

A different post I think today, maybe not but I feel different today! Anyway, I will write to you again on Sunday! Take care all!

Lots of love,
Rahul N. Singh

Copyright © Chronicles of a Creative Writer. 2008 Rahul N. Singh. All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Emotions need to drive us forward...

Hi everyone,

I hope all is well. I must apologise that I have not kept up with posting everyday, things have been really tough with me at the moment. However, I am slowly getting back to routine. Hopefully by next week, you will see me regularly writing again.

These past few days have made me think a great amount on the concept of death. Possibly, one day I will share with you. After hearing about a person close to my heart passing away, it makes you think twice about the concept of living and how we do live.

I look at how quick we are to hurt someone but yet, why don't we ever show our unconditional love or our honest feelings for people? I remember a spiritual saint saying that 'People have so much time to hate but hardly give time to love.' This saying is true. We can make any reason to be against someone, to make others feel hurt, in pain and see them suffering. However, when we see progress, happiness, we begin to harbor feelings of jealousy and anger. Why do we do such things?

I always feel at times of death, it is best to speak out than keep your feelings inside. I am glad that I have a few special friends that I can speak my feelings out to without thinking twice. I feel in this world which is full of people in their own little 'closed' worlds, it is about time we opened up our little worlds and show everyone how great it is.

I hope and I do pray to God that everyone in this world can open up and not be ashamed of showing their feelings. In a world, where emotions are not important but it is emotions that drive us to be the people that we are or are meant to be.

I hope that I have the strength to be the person that I am meant to be. I know that life is short and is full of surprises. But I want my life to be short of surprises but full of life.

Lots of love,
Rahul N. Singh

Copyright © Chronicles of a Creative Writer. 2008 Rahul N. Singh. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Part Two: Appreciation for Shah Rukh Khan - Humble before and after.

Hey Everyone,

The second part to the Appreciation for Shah Rukh Khan is here. After the success of the first part, it is only honourable to continue this. Hopefully, it should be a 10 part series for Shah Rukh. I am trying to think of who to honour and appreciate next, so please if you want anyone for me to appreciate, tell me and I will definitely consider it.

For years, we have known people not only in the entertainment industry but people all over the world, who lack one basic element of human qualities...humility. Any one bit of praise or success, we create an ego. Not a positive ego but a negative ego.

This negative ego is those things such as pride or being big-headed. Acting as if you are higher than everyone else around you becomes a norm. Is this the reason why we should be successful? Is that the true way of enjoying success?

Shah Rukh Khan is well-known for being humble. Now, despite his massive success, he has not allowed his ego to take over him. He has kept to his roots and has realised one certain aspect...that success is not always guaranteed.

Being humble in a fraternity that demands arrogance. We see it everyday on our screens of certain actors who make a few hits at the box-office and then claim to be number one or to be the King of Hindi Cinema. Shah Rukh has recently given three back to back blockbusters but has not allowed anything to make him arrogant.

Could it be that Shah Rukh is acting humble? I do not think he can act for over two decades. it is very hard to act humble so honestly for the past twenty years and that is a fact. Plus, I know personally that there are a massive amount of fans of Shah Rukh, who admire him the most because of his humility.

Shah Rukh has been on the top since 1995 and after bringing in so much success not just for himself but for the Hindi Film Industry, to remain like one of us has been a truly remarkable example of how to be.

To end this post, it would be great to see a little insight of Shah Rukh with his own words:
“Everything isn’t made for me alone. God has given me enough, I’d better be happy and contented.”
This clearly shows that Shah Rukh is not at all greedy and is happy for other people to be just as successful as he is. Despite this world becoming a 'dog-eat-dog world' and a rat race, it is very easy to be instable and fall in the traps of the negative aspects of being successful. However, we have seen that you can be at the top of any success ladder and that there is no excuse for us not to be humbled with what God or a Higher Power has given us.

I would like to point you all out to a scene from 'Luck By Chance' that Shah Rukh did a cameo in. I am sure you will see what the real Shah Rukh Khan is within the industry!

For those that do not understand is the translation of the conversation between Farhan and Shah Rukh Khan.

SRK: congratulations! I've been hearing very good things about you.
FA: Thank you so much.
SRK: Come have a drink with us. C’mon. Your real work starts now. Actors work apart from acting. It's really to choose the right kind of role. Think about it - your first film chose you. But from now on, you should choose. You.
SRK: Are they your friends?
FA: Yeah, right now. For the moment. They were in school with me.
SRK: Oh. Hi. You're not going?
FA: No, I’ll meet with them tomorrow.
SRK: Vikram, stardom is a cocktail; fame, power, money, all that is dangerously intoxicating.
FA: I can't even imagine what it must be like for you.
SRK: It's insane. But one thing I learned from life. Don’t forget those who knew you when you were nothing. They are the only ones who’ll always tell you the truth. Like those…who are here….for the moment….who were there from your school days.

Thank you for reading and watching the video above and I am looking forward to writing the third part next week!

Lots of love,
Rahul N. Singh

Copyright © Chronicles of a Creative Writer. 2008 Rahul N. Singh. All Rights Reserved.