Monday, November 10, 2008

Understanding the person you love!

Hi readers, I am going to answer some questions as a writer, as a person how do I feel towards these things. Here is an insight into the way I think about these subjects.

Why do we react in such ways that we regret later because we didn't understand our partners, our family or our friends?
Reactions are the most important actions we do. The way we react towards problems, sad moments, happy moments or any emotional moment. At times, I think about the when I have a fight or a misunderstanding with someone, I tend to ignore the person. However, my intention is not to ignore the situation but to stay away from further problems. One little wrong doing can be rather regretful for ourselves. I've always said sorry first if I am in the wrong. I think that is the best way to sort things out. It does not matter about who says sorry, the fact is apologising is a very humbling action to do. Personally, it keeps my arrogance and ego in control. As part of the understanding we understand the people we love? Do we even understand ourselves?

Why do we feel lonely despite knowing we are loved?
This question is rather interesting. Being lonely is not a good thing and there must be a lack of understanding with the love we receive. It is not that we want to feel lonely, it just happens. There are times when I feel lonely but it is a state of the mind. We bring it onto ourselves more than other people bring it onto us. Maybe you feel lonely because you feel a loved one doesn't understand you? Or that they don't tell you that they love you or your partner doesn't express their love to you or is not romantic with you. That may not even be what we should be questioning! What we should be questioning is have we understood the person that we love the most? I often think that as a writer, if my character is feeling lonely, it is because that character wants to feel lonely. You cannot feel lonely with a crowd of people, there is bound to be a person that has a similar personality. To get out of this state of being lonely, go to the person that you love and feel that you are connected, in fact become connected.

Why do we 'withdraw' from the people we love the most?
This leads from last line from the previous question. Despite feeling connected to the people we love, can we still withdraw ourselves? I think it is possible. I do it sometimes. I do not withdraw in the sense, I am away from that person. I am still with that person but I withdraw into my own mind and try to understand the person. We tend to withdraw when something does not go our way. We do this because we have to analyse the situation or the matter, or because we just want to release our anger and frustration. If a loved one wants to do something that goes against what we expect or believe, do we withdraw and think about it? Yes, I do. As a person I do it so I can understand the person and their state of mind. However, I find withdrawing from the person you love, does not really bring any positive results. It is something I need to change, so my message for myself and for you is: Don't open with the people you love!

Why do we stop understanding our own dreams despite having support from your partner/loved ones?
Nothing can stop you from understanding your own dreams, if it does then it is only your not try and blame others. I am lucky. I admit it. My loved ones support me in my dreams. It is so great having a best friend who wants to market your blog and is willing to spend their time and effort in doing so. It is great having your soul-mate support you and your dreams, and makes you believe that your dreams are only a second away from reality. So why should we stop understanding? We are not alone in our quests. There are always people in this world that give genuine, unconditional support. Use them as you would use yourself. Do not mistreat anybody (friend or foe) as this obstructs your dreams. Your dreams are always to do something good for yourself and for the people you love. That is what personally keeps me going. I know my loved ones love seeing me write, reading what I write and giving me feedback. This gives me strength to carry on. Trust me, everyone is loved. If not, then come to me and I will love you and restore faith and understanding in your dreams

Why don't we understand the person we love?

This is one question which kind of concludes all the questions. They all stem from this one question. I have to say this; if you don't understand the person you love, then you do not understand love. Sometimes, yes the person we love asks or says something we dislike. Yet, do we need to react so rudely at times? No we don't, think before you say anything or react to anything and try to understand that person. Ask questions, that is what we are scared of today...asking questions. The more we ask, the more we learn and understand. Also, sometimes we don't get what we want because our loved one doesn't understand why we need or want to do it. Don't misunderstand their intentions. They always think best for you but always make yourself clear. Sometimes, it is hard for them to adapt and change, but then do we adapt and change for them? If we don't then how can we expect them to change and adapt for us. It comes down to understanding in any relationship, it is always two-way feeling. The more two-way it is, the more understanding there is. Be open, tell the people you love that you love them. Life can bring so many happy moments but it is you that needs to bring it! So go on and understand the person you love. If you have understood them...then simply say 'I love you' all the time!

Please give me your feedback on this and how you feel that you can adapt it in your life. Thanks for reading.

Lots of love,
Rahul N. Singh

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